Great lyrics, bad voice.
Great lyrics, bad voice.
At least I'm 1 for 2.
I agree that the singing was likely sub-par, however. I do not sing for a hobby, I voice act, but this parody did, in a minute sense, require singing.
Thanks for the review nonetheless!
Catchy tune, I like it. It fits the setting you described very well and would probably go well in a flash with that kind of atmosphere. For some reason it reminds me of Weebls-Stuff (google it if you don't know what it is) cartoons. Which is a good thing to some, but bad to others. In my case I think it's good :P
The only 'niggles' I have with it are:
- when the bass is introduced, there is barely any change in the melody. A change of key would have sounded awesome. (This is where I would otherwise have voted 9 for diversity rather than 8).
- the reverberated synth is a bit too obtrusive IMO, maybe just slightly too loud. (Just shy of scoring a 9 for clarity but this stopped me.)
Those things aside, you made quite a tune here, and you obviously have a nice collection of samples. Keep up the good work!
Au revoir.
Thanks for review. Hmm well a bunch of people telling me keep the same base line and another bunch of people telling me to change the base line (the melody). AHHH!!! What do I do. I can't satisfy both sides. I failed :) Anyway, the notes are changing throughout the entire song. I compose my own music so I know what I'm playing on the keyboard. Maybe I used that 1 same synth too many times in the song that it gave the illusion the tune was the same. Hey that matches...carnaval is a place of illusion. Sweet I should get bonus marks for that creativity. :) Be sure to see some more reviews by me on your songs. Hopefully you wore HEADPHONES!!!SOUNDS MUCH BETTER WITH HEADPHONES ON :) ALL NEXT REVIEWERS WEAR YOUR HEADPHONES WHEN LISTENING TO THIS SONG. okay bye for now
Not bad
I quite like this, only things I dislike are:
- bass is a little too heavy (may be because of my speakers though)
- you got some reverb in places, sounds good but doesn't hold true to the original
On the contrary.... it's as catchy as the original, and fun to hear WITHOUT the gaybo lyrics :P
Good job.
Thx for the comment, yea I figured it was time for the song without those lyrics that would creep anyone out. As for the bass, I'll try to fix that. Reverb is from a complex MIDI to MP3 process (I'm still working out the bugs)
Holy sheet, this is.... outstanding.
*Bookmarks your audio page*
Judging from your profile I got a kind of gothy sense so I'm alittle surprised, yet very glad you liked it!
Pretty funny, I like it. Nice way to take the rip out of a tutor.
Two things though:
1) It isn't so easy to hear what you're saying
2) It's "You're all failing", not "Your all failing".
it wasn't me reading.
Overall would be 9.81529581 if it was an option...
I effing LOVE this. It's my favourite of all. I can't find anything to criticize... though I'm in no position to do that since I know so little about orchestral music, despite making it myself, mwhahahaha.
In fact.... *has an idea* YES, I'm going to download my favourites of your music, bung 'em all in a playlist and play Neverwinter Nights. Perfect match. Before I do that though, I'm going to make a poor attempt at making another theme... wish me luck o_0
Thanks Mate!
I wish you luck =)
Well; Thanks for voting and reviewing!
And have fun playing neverwinter nights! :D
Another great one. I just realized I must have listened to it about 7/8 times in a row now... I was going to say it's slightly repetetive, but it sure isn't.
I love it; most especially the drums. If there's one thing I don't like, it'd be the "stabby" (spiccato?) strings, and the style of brass instrument you used (I'm guessing one of them is the Orchestral Ensemble in Edirol..?).
They didn't sound quite right to me, mainly because using an instrument repeatedly so quick, that it's easy to tell they're sequenced on a computer. I've had the same problem too - it's especially irritating because it it limits how realistic this style of music can be.
Anyway, I don't want to type TOO much useless crap here, so I'll be off now :)
I really dont know what to say, but thanks for reviewing, and note that i always listen to critism, as long as its constructive.
Now this has to be one of my favourites. It's just plain excellent - I'd provide some constructive critisicm BUT:
1) No point critisicing music that's better than mine
2) I can't be bummed to do it
...I would comment on the fact that there's SOMETHING here I don't quite like, though I can't quite put my finger on it. Something about the background/ambience of the whole thing, though I won't go into that since I wouldn't know what I'm on about ;)
I'll just finish this review with: "keep up the funky shizzlenizzle". :D
Well, I feel the same way, there's something i dont like about it, but it was quite rushed, and not too thought out, the drums were the main part i liked though.
I'd say the same to you, But that'd be stealing your words, so im just sticking to "Keep it up"
THIS IS GREAT; I love it, but, the beat sucks ass to be honest. If you made a better beat, I probably would have given it a 9 overall. Also.... "Your DOOMED!" should be "You're DOOMED!" cos...
Thanks for a good tune though, maybe I should play a bit of Doom with this shiznit...
hahah thanks
did you find this from the crap submition?
This is possibly my most favourite of all your compositions. If I was to comment on one thng that needs improving, I would... but... I can't quite put my finger on it lol. It's just such a great tune.
It belongs in a film of some sort. I've seen films with music MUCH worse than this. If you're making this music legitimately/100% legally, you should be making money from it.
And still i get an eight?! oh well..
I am indeed making this music legitimately, but getting jobs when you're 14, just dont do the trick :P
-Thanks, Zeth-
Age 35, Male
Joined on 7/9/04